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Peyman Askari came to Canada when he was only six years old. He grew up in West Vancouver, earned his bachelor's in computer science from York University, and later obtained his PhD in computational neuroscience from Southampton University. Upon completing his schooling, he started work in the tech space.

By 2020, he came to realize something was not right with his country and became concerned with the erratic behaviour of his government. In February of 2021, horrified by the heinous comments made by his Prime Minister against working-class Canadians, Peyman decided to walk away from his business and, instead, focus exclusively on politics. Realizing that emails, letters, and phone calls were no longer applying any meaningful pressure on legislators, he has finally decided to run for office.

Peyman Askari is a proud Canadian who believes that, at some point, every citizen must stop asking for more from their country and must, instead, start giving something back.

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