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Alec Guggenmos

My main focuses for 2025 are:

-Fighting Inflation
-Cutting the deficit
-Implementing free trade
-Ending Provincial Equalization
-Election Reform

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Alec is a life-long prairie boy who attended NAIT, works in land surveying, and volunteers with his church and community.

Alec Guggenmos is a six year resident of Yorkton-Melville and is a lifelong prairie boy. Having gone to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology he currently works as a Crew Chief in the Land Surveying industry, spending much of his time working all around the riding. Alec is an active member of his church, an avid sports fan, and is continuously trying to find more ways to be involved in both his Community and the Canadian Liberty movement.

Raison de la candidature

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I am running in 2025 so that Yorkton-Melville has the option of True Freedom and Liberty on their ballot.
I hope to bring together Liberty minded folks from across our riding to continue spreading the Libertarian message even beyond 2025

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libertarian.ca www.libertarian.ca