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Drew Garvie



Promesses de Communist

Ensure $10-a-day childcare is implemented and accessible
Raise wages for childcare workers and require ECE certification.
Introduce 24-hour/7-days-a-week childcare, for parents who work shift schedules or who have personal/family emergencies.
Move towards a provincial system of universally accessible and quality public childcare, free of charge.

Food costs

Promesse de Communist

Enact price controls on food.

Fuel and transportation costs

Promesses de Communist

Price controls on gas.
Eliminate transit fares.

Post-secondary costs and loans

Promesses de Communist

Eliminate tuition fees for post-secondary education
Provide a living stipend to all post-secondary students.
Cancel student debt


Promesse de Communist

Enact a full employment program.

Public transit

Promesse de Communist

Full provincial funding to massively expand transit.

Tax measures and rebates

Promesses de Communist

Eliminate the sales tax as well as income tax on incomes under $40,000 a year.
Double the corporate tax rate to 23%.

Climate Change & the Environment

Public transit

Promesse de Communist

Full provincial funding to massively expand transit.



Promesses de Communist

Ensure $10-a-day childcare is implemented and accessible
Raise wages for childcare workers and require ECE certification.
Introduce 24-hour/7-days-a-week childcare, for parents who work shift schedules or who have personal/family emergencies.
Move towards a provincial system of universally accessible and quality public childcare, free of charge.

Indigenous learning

Promesses de Communist

Expand Indigenous language learning, including at the PSE level
Provide equitable standards for quality education for Indigenous students living on or off reserves.

K-12 funding

Promesses de Communist

End public funding for Catholic schools and enact a single, secular public school system in Ontario.
Deliver a new, needs-based funding formula to provide adequate and guaranteed funding, from provincial general revenues, to public schools.

LGBTQ+ students

Promesse de Communist

Support gay-straight alliances in Ontario schools, enforce trans rights, and restore legal funding for court challenges.

Post-secondary costs and loans

Promesses de Communist

Eliminate tuition fees for post-secondary education
Provide a living stipend to all post-secondary students.
Cancel student debt

Post-secondary institutions and funding

Promesse de Communist

Increase funding to public post-secondary education and end corporate funding and privatization.

School construction and upgrades

Promesses de Communist

Immediately fund the $16.8 billion backlog in maintenance for Ontario schools.
Provide stable capital funding to pay for ongoing maintenance and upgrades.

School curriculum

Promesses de Communist

Expand Indigenous and French-language education, including at the PSE level.
Eliminate explicit anti-communist propaganda in educational materials and ensure that curriculum is based on evidence-based research.

School nutrition

Promesse de Communist

Introduce a provincial food and nutrition program, based in all schools and communities.

To ensure that every person in the province has access to a proper diet.


Promesse de Communist

Expand apprenticeship programs and invest in youth employment.

Health & Healthcare

Drugs and addiction

Promesses de Communist

Decriminalize drug use and treat it as a health issue

Funding community centres specifically for drug users, making rehabilitation centres a public utility with services provided free of charge, and increasing peer-driven and community-focused education programs.

Reverse the privatization of alcohol sales, expand and strengthen the publicly owned LCBO by absorbing The Beer Store

Utilize increased public revenue to finance comprehensive public health care services including alcohol addiction treatment.

Maintain and expand safer consumption sites

To ensure a safe and free supply of drugs to users through prescription programs along with humane treatment plans in order to prevent further overdose deaths.

Health staffing

Promesse de Communist

Put all doctors and healthcare professionals on a provincial salary.


Promesses de Communist

Restore health and hospital funding that has been cut, and halt and reverse the delisting of services to community hospitals.
Stop and reverse hospital closures.

Long-term care

Promesse de Communist

Put all Long-term care facilities under public ownership and operation.

This includes funding for adequate and well-paid staff and sufficient protective equipment and procedures.

Prescription drugs and pharmacare

Promesses de Communist

Provide full healthcare coverage to all residents of Ontario.

This includes temporary foreign workers, international students, and refugees; and eliminate health premiums, co-payments and the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).

Expand healthcare to include full coverage for dental care, vision care, pharmacare, mental health care and long-term care.

Housing & Homelessness

Home construction and supply

Promesses de Communist

Build 200,000 units of rent-geared-to-income social housing units immediately.
Build 15,000 units of transitional housing.

To support people leaving situations of domestic violence, incarceration, homelessness or shelters.

Maintain levels of affordable housing based on need.
Build 550,000 units of affordable housing.

Homeless services

Promesses de Communist

Recognize housing as a human right.
Provide adequate funding for accessible emergency shelters throughout the province.
Introduce a Tenant Bill of Rights and provincial housing program to ensure adequate housing based on need is provided to all.

Public and affordable housing

Promesses de Communist

Invest in social housing, including co-op housing with more emphasis on public and rent-geared to income housing.
Build 200,000 units of rent-geared-to-income social housing units immediately.
Build 550,000 units of affordable housing.
Upgrade and maintain existing units so that they are safe, secure, affordable, accessible and environmentally sound.


Promesse de Communist

Expand apprenticeship programs and invest in youth employment.

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour


Promesse de Communist

Enact a full employment program.


Promesse de Communist

Expand apprenticeship programs and invest in youth employment.

Transportation & Transit

Fuel and transportation costs

Promesses de Communist

Price controls on gas.
Eliminate transit fares.

Public transit

Promesse de Communist

Full provincial funding to massively expand transit.
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