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Jimmy Jackson

Fix our housing problem and get rid of Doug Ford's 2018 rental policy that causes homelessness all together, help addicts recover, health care needs massive improvements. We need real people working for real people. It's time for New Blue to stand up for you.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Born and raised in the Niagara Region, Jimmy Jackson has always been passionate about serving his community and the people around him. A proud husband and father, he most enjoys spending his downtime with his family and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Jimmy is known in his community for his volunteering, and working with troubled teens. Prior to working in the steel industry, for many years, Jimmy was a social worker, specializing in mental health, education, and brain injury, mainly with children and youths, including crisis work and was heavily involved at the DSBN.

Working in these high-pressure environments, Jimmy learned to handle emotionally-intense incidents through awareness, empathy and patience as well as assertiveness. During Jimmy's time in crisis work, a young man, struggling with mental health issues and addiction, found healing and stability through Jimmy teaching him tools like fitness and nutrition, discipline and consistency. This now grown man maintains a career and a happy, healthy lifestyle.

As Jimmy's family grows, he believes that New Blue will help facilitate the necessary change that his children’s futures depend on. He believes parents need to be given back control over their children with regard to education and religious issues, that we need to scrap the drug injection sites that are not “safe” for our communities, and we need to start bringing reform to make things better for both landlords and tenants.

His values align with the New Blue Party’s policies, and that is why Jimmy will stand up for YOU with the New Blue!

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am running for every tax payer that deserves government accountability and transparency. I am running for all Ontarians to have a more affordable, healthier lives. The carbon tax needs to go, HST lowered, Mental health services vastly improved, and health care system too.

The carbon tax is slated to go up 20% April 1st. HST needs to be reduced to 10% and eventually removed. If it costs farmers and truckers more in fuel to get our food and goods to Canadians then it will cost even more again for consumers to fuel our tanks and put food on our tables. Health care services need to be offered outside the hospitals such as MRI and surgeries. Why should an Canadian who wants an MRI performed withing 24 hours need to drive to the states to do that or wait up to a year in Canada? We need to free up wait times at hospitals and provide more ample parking. Safe injection sites aren't working in Ontario either, we need alternative options such as more affordable treatment and healing centers. I want to see more people recover and not using and passing away in the streets. It's time for real people to work for real people and make better common sense decisions to better the environment we all live in.

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