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James Schulz

Candidat Libertarien pour Waterloo
I have a plan to cut taxes without cutting public services. I want to raise the income tax exemption amount above the poverty line by cutting wasteful administrative government spending.

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
James’ interest in politics came at a young age while job shadowing city councillor Mark Whaley in 8th grade and running in the Provincial election in 2014. James is a strong leader and mediator who always steps up to face challenges with creative, collaborative problem-solving.

He has worked on many of the high-rises that have gone up in our city over the past 10 years. He’s not afraid to work on the outside of a building or to stand up for our community. James is passionate about finding solutions to issues like the rising cost of living, homelessness, and preserving land rights. If elected James will work together with the other parties and local community organizations and activists to find collaborative solutions to the problems that matter most to our region.

Raison de la candidature

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I’m running because now is the time, more the ever to change our approach to government.

I have spent time on the east and west coasts of Canada as well as the territories up north. Now that I am home in Waterloo I want to use these experiences to help build a stronger community by working together with citizens to make it better for everyone. I want to empower individuals and communities. I want to be proud to be Canadian with merit. I want to reduce the money that gets wasted by changing hands between the bureaucracy of our current government and finally see some real results.

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