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James McNair

Housing & Homelessness

Home construction and supply

Promesse de James McNair

using my construction experience I will build a home for everyone in need in Kingston.

Home purchases and ownership

Promesses de James McNair

Rezone land for smaller homes so people can afford them.
Offer government back loans for home purchases. And eliminate down payment requirements.

Homeless services

Promesse de James McNair

Food water and shelter for the homeless solves crime ensure everyone has a warm locked room to feel secure and safe
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
James McNair

Empower the voters with direct democracy.
I believe in Canadians. Let's create a transparent democracy.

With my construction experience I will eliminate homelessness in Kingston once and for all. That is my Goal and my Promise if elected.

James McNair

Empower the voters with direct democracy.

I believe in Canadians working together, Let's create a transparent democracy.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am running to give voters control over your own lives. I will consult with voters and give them power with the Direct Democracy system of Governance. I also will make Kingston safer and happier by building homes for everyone in need. I will succeed.

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