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Mario Greco

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe

Mario is a third-generation Italian immigrant, raised in Woodbridge, and is blessed to have a very close relationship with his family and his Catholic faith. Mario is also privileged to have strong friendships in his life that transcend race, religion, class, orientation, field of work, and even political outlook. Regarding his career, Mario is a high school teacher who hones the potential of our next-generation Canadians to thrive in life by their own merits and self-accountability. In his spare time Mario enjoys chess, movies, music, anime, cosplay, and of course video games.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe

Mario is running to provide an adequate option for those who wish to vote for the people, instead of voting for establishment bureaucrats controlled by lobbyists and special interest groups.

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