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Manoj Bhangu

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Manoj Bhangu embodies the spirit of dedication and community service.

Manoj knows the value of hard work to achieve not only his own goals, but also to create a difference in his community. He proudly served as an elected Director on the Board of Black Top Cabs for six years, and established his own driving school, "Young Driving," where he imparts invaluable skills to new drivers, ensuring safety and confidence on the road.

Manoj is also a champion of human rights, launching a groundbreaking case resulting in the first recognition of discrimination on the basis of caste in British Columbia history.

As a small-business owner and passionate advocate for the community, Manoj has been actively participating in and organizing community events, creating connections with his neighbours, and seeking to empower and uplift the diverse community of Vancouver Fraserview-South Burnaby.

Manoj Bhangu is a firm believer in the power of unity and collective action. As the NDP candidate for Vancouver Fraserview-South Burnaby, Manoj is committed to ensuring that every voice in the community is heard in Ottawa.

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