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Oulai Goué

Candidat NPD pour Orléans
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Oulai B. Goué is running for MP in Orléans to help bring about the change and progress that are so needed in Canada today.

He is focused on taking on immediate issues that impact Canadians daily like fixing the mental health and long-term care crisis through a community-based home-care model. He advocates for investing in public and affordable housing for moderate-income households, a temporary VAT/GST reduction on essential groceries and increase support for domestic agriculture. He also supports a public administration reform of a two-day hybrid work in office wherever possible to enhance work-life balance and efficiency.

In the median to long term, he wants to focus on advancing our education system with a high skill-centered approach, tackling climate change with sustainable agricultural and circular economy practices, and strengthening our political system by adding proportional representation. He is committed to reforming our justice system to address systemic discriminations towards Indigenous people and other minorities, and to representing Orléans as a voice for peace at the international level.

The common thread of his political ideas is social justice and economic prosperity for all. As a young boy in the streets of Abidjan, in Ivory Coast, his experiences with dangerous but preventable and curable diseases like malaria started his interest in political engagement and contributing to his community. When he left his native country to further his education and professional skills in Europe and in the United States, he always had this point of social justice in mind.

Today, as a proud Canadian, he feels deeply concerned not only by the issues that his fellow countrymen and countrywomen deal with on a daily basis, but also by what happens at a global level. For the past 10 years, he has lectured and shared his knowledge with hundreds of Canadian students at a university level, in primary school as well as currently in high school. One of his most cherished experiences was teaching a Grade 3 class in Gatineau, where he saw firsthand the hope, curiosity , and resilience of Canada's future.

Prior to the education sector, he worked as an entrepreneur. He launched and operated a business in communication services that opened his eyes to the core of Canadian’s economic strength: small and mid-sized businesses. It uncovered his high tolerance to risks and enhanced his sense of initiatives. Before that, he worked in marketing and advertising whether in Canada (Montreal), in the United States (Pennsylvania) or in Europe (Paris) on local and international brands. Precedent to this, he worked for the department of public affairs of the United Nations Development Programme office in Abidjan.

To the service of Orléans and Canadians across the country, he would like to use his skills and experience in order to help refine our society. He believes change is at our doorsteps, and he is calling for you to give him and the NDP your trust, as right now, we are building the present and the future of our country!

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