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Norm Di Pasquale

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Norm Di Pasquale lived in Spadina-Fort York for nearly 20 years where he raises his family. He is an Enterprise Information Technology Specialist and the winner of MPP Community Service awards in Toronto-St. Paul's and Spadina-Fort York.

As an avid cyclist and environmental advocate, Norm has spent time fighting to make our city fairer, greener, and more accessible. He is the founding member of Waterfront for All, a grassroots advocacy group working for a clean, green waterfront for all to access. He is also the Chair of NoJetsTO, which stopped jets at the island airport from ruining our waterfront.

Norm is a former school board trustee who fought for student nutrition programs to be funded, implemented and expanded and helped get Pride Month recognized and the Pride flag to be raised at all schools.

Norm always speaks up for public educational spaces. He co-chairs Ontario Place For All, working as a volunteer and advisor to help save Ontario's Science Centre.

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normdipasquale.ndp.ca/, https://www.spafyndp.ca normdipasquale.ndp.ca/, https://www.spafyndp.ca