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Mitchell Maceachern

Indépendant pour Mississauga Maire
Total transparency



Budget transparency and education

Local Government & Democracy

Local Government & Democracy

More governmental transparency and accountability

Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation

Community-building and empowerment of the creative arts and small businesses


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Born and raised in Port Credit, I've grown up with the city of Mississauga. I am 37 years old, which ages me nicely between the Boomers and the Millennials, and I have many friends in both cohorts.

As I mentioned, I've grown up here. I played minor league hockey in the Mississauga Hockey League until I was too old, then started volunteer coaching, as well as instructing at Just Shoot It, where I've been helping the next generation of hockey players ever since. I've been an avid creator and performer of music for many years now, having played at Spice Lounge and Tapas, as well as the Port Credit Legion, along with other places in Mississauga. But my favourite experience is busking on the sidewalk out front of Scoops in downtown Port Credit. I recently ended a nine-year journey as a volunteer at SickKids hospital in Toronto, where my job was to go room-to-room and play with the kids. That experience changed my life, opening my heart and mind to the power of hope. What I offer as mayor is an open mind, fresh perspective, a desire to learn, and a real love for people. I do hope you do your research and look into the platforms of the other candidates, as they are all truly worth listing to. 

Thank you for your time,

Mitchell MacEachern

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
My reasons for getting involved were two-fold: 1. I admit I am quite ignorant of how the municipal government of Mississauga functions, and I wanted to educate myself. 2. I have been growing increasingly bothered by the ideologies of the upper levels of Canadian government.

Fundamentally, I feel the three levels of government are no longer listening to one another. Worse, they are actively fighting one another. I could be wrong, which I why I got involved - to learn. But as I have been learning, this has been the case. We need to re-empower the municipal governments; especially Mississauga. We need to give Mississauga more legal autonomy to govern its borders and make decisions on its behalf. The federal and provincial governments need to step aside. There is a way to do this, through federal and provincial legislation. Check out the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to learn more. We, as a city, need to lead by example and demand charter rights for Mississauga so we can fix the grand-sanding problems created by ideologically misguided higher levels of government. 

And just quickly: I’m a musician. Musician have the innate intuition to know what to put where and at what time. I’m not saying I know everything and I’m never wrong. On the contrary, I mess up all the time. But I feel the time is right to put Mississauga on the map as the coolest city in Canada. We can do that if we all work together. And musicians love nothing more than to bring people together.

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