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Michael Bayer

At its noblest, good and responsible government should demonstrate accountability, transparency, and integrity while acting in the best interests of its citizens.

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Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy

Food costs

Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy
by cutting the HST from 13% to 10%, axing the Doug Ford carbon tax, taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices

Fuel and transportation costs

Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy
The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.
by cutting the HST from 13% to 10%, axing the Doug Ford carbon tax, taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices

Post-secondary costs and loans

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.


Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy

A belief that prosperity is best ensured by empowering individuals to improve their personal situation through self-reliance and the maximum enjoyment of the fruits of one’s own labour.

Public transit

Promesse de Michael Bayer

Seniors' benefits

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors, those with mental or physical disabilities, or veterans and will instead promote palliative care to enable dying with dignity and care.

Tax measures and rebates

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports tax relief and cutting Ontario’s HST from 13% to 10% with a long-term objective of scrapping the HST entirely.

Utility costs

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices.
The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.

Climate Change & the Environment

Climate adaptation

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded "green" and "climate change" policies.

Professor Ian Plimer is a distinguished Geologist. he is a climate change sceptic. "No one has ever shown that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming. Never been shown." "We are dealing with a fraud.. from day 1."

Conservation and environmental protection

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded "green" and "climate change" policies.


Promesses de Michael Bayer

Professor Ian Plimer is a distinguished Geologist. he is a climate change sceptic.

"No one has ever shown that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming. Never been shown."

"We are dealing with a fraud.. from day 1."

Electric vehicles

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded "green" and "climate change" policies.

Forestry and forest conservation

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports private property rights. i. Landowners in Ontario should be assured their right to own, use, enjoy, manage and benefit from your own private property. ii. Legislation should be established to stop the expropriation of farmland without the consent of the landowner for the purpose of being developed into cities, towns, or villages and to make it unacceptable for the government or governmental bodies to assign certain change zoning or expropriate privately owned property without the formal approval of the property owner.

Green construction and retrofits

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded "green" and "climate change" policies.

The New Blue Party supports private property rights. i. Landowners in Ontario should be assured their right to own, use, enjoy, manage and benefit from your own private property. ii. Legislation should be established to stop the expropriation of farmland without the consent of the landowner for the purpose of being developed into cities, towns, or villages and to make it unacceptable for the government or governmental bodies to assign certain change zoning or expropriate privately owned property without the formal approval of the property owner.

Mining and minerals

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded "green" and "climate change" policies.

Oil and gas

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports Axing the Carbon Tax,
including the federal Liberal government’s carbon tax and the Ontario PC government’s industrial carbon tax and carbon pricing system.


Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.

Power generation

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.
The New Blue Party supports taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices.

Public transit

Promesse de Michael Bayer

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The United States is number one in terms of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and they don’t have a carbon tax.

“The United States is number one in terms of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and they don’t have a carbon tax. So at what point are we saying ‘that's enough?’” — New Blue leader @jimkarahalios




Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy

Indigenous learning

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.

The New Blue Party supports legislating a Parents’ Bill of Rights to formalize and empower the role of parents in educational decision-making, enhancing transparency, trust, and collaboration within the education system.

International students

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports Ontario having more control over its immigration (like Quebec), including the ability to set its own immigration levels, select all of its economic class immigrants, control temporary residence admissions, have a say on the family and refugee classes, have full control over settlement funding provided to it by the federal government to service newcomers with assistance (such as language training, job training, and other supports) and have sex-ratio balance of 1:1 (male/female) for all new migrants entering Ontario.

K-12 funding

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.
The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.

K-12 learning needs

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.

K-12 staffing

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.

LGBTQ+ students

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports ending “woke” activism with the removal of critical race theory and gender identity theory from schools.

The New Blue Party supports policies that provide “free speech immunity” to parents, educators, trustees, students, and other stakeholders providing their opinions on the education system.

Post-secondary costs and loans

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.

Post-secondary institutions and funding

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.

School construction and upgrades

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.

School curriculum

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports legislating a Parents’ Bill of Rights to formalize and empower the role of parents
in educational decision-making, enhancing transparency, trust, and collaboration within the education system.

The New Blue Party supports policies, regulations, or legislations similar to Senate Bill 1264 legislation in Florida, which requires teaching students in the public education system the dangers and evils of communism.

School nutrition

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.

Student mental health

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.


Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.

Health & Healthcare

Diagnostic and procedure wait-times

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private health options.

Drugs and addiction

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party opposes provincial funding for drug injection sites.

Emergency wait-times

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private health options.

Family doctors and primary care

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private health options.

Health staffing

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private health options.


Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports rehiring the nurses and healthcare workers fired as a result of COVID-19 mandates.
The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private healthcare option

Long-term care

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors, those with mental or physical disabilities, or veterans and will instead promote palliative care to enable dying with dignity and care.

Mental health

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party opposes provincial funding for drug injection sites.

Prescription drugs and pharmacare

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private health options.

Seniors' health and wellbeing

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors, those with mental or physical disabilities, or veterans and will instead promote palliative care to enable dying with dignity and care.

Sexual and reproductive health

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports defunding elective abortion.

Housing & Homelessness


Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour


Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the creation of an Ontario Bill of Rights, similar to the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights.

The New Blue Party supports private property rights. i. Landowners in Ontario should be assured their right to own, use, enjoy, manage and benefit from your own private property. ii. Legislation should be established to stop the expropriation of farmland without the consent of the landowner for the purpose of being developed into cities, towns, or villages and to make it unacceptable for the government or governmental bodies to assign certain change zoning or expropriate privately owned property without the formal approval of the property owner.

Forestry and forest conservation

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports private property rights. i. Landowners in Ontario should be assured their right to own, use, enjoy, manage and benefit from your own private property. ii. Legislation should be established to stop the expropriation of farmland without the consent of the landowner for the purpose of being developed into cities, towns, or villages and to make it unacceptable for the government or governmental bodies to assign certain change zoning or expropriate privately owned property without the formal approval of the property owner.

Gig and contract workers

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports changing labour laws to allow union members greater latitude to object to unionization and payment of union dues

Inter-provincial business and trade

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments as provided for in Canadian Constitution.

Labour protections

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports changing labour laws to allow union members greater latitude to object to unionization and payment of union dues


Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.
The New Blue Party supports taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices.

The New Blue Party supports Axing the Carbon Tax, including the federal Liberal government’s carbon tax and the Ontario PC government’s industrial carbon tax and carbon pricing system.

Mining and minerals

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded "green" and "climate change" policies.


Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy

A belief that prosperity is best ensured by empowering individuals to improve their personal situation through self-reliance and the maximum enjoyment of the fruits of one’s own labour.

Restaurants and bars

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the privatization of the LCBO and removing the Beer Store monopoly.


Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.

Trump's Tariffs

Promesses de Michael Bayer

Progressive premier Doug Ford will be using Donald Trump as his excuse to call a snap election in a matter of days.
Canada needs to start fixing its economy regardless of whether Donald Trump imposes tariffs next month, according to economists.

Society & Government


Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports tax relief and cutting Ontario’s HST from 13% to 10% with a long-term objective of scrapping the HST entirely.
The New Blue Party supports the privatization of the LCBO and removing the Beer Store monopoly.
The New Blue Party supports scrapping the $100 million taxpayer subsidy of political parties.

The New Blue Party supports Axing the Carbon Tax, including the federal Liberal government’s carbon tax and the Ontario PC government’s industrial carbon tax and carbon pricing system.

Child welfare and children in care

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the protection and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
The New Blue Party supports rehiring the nurses and healthcare workers fired as a result of COVID-19 mandates.
The New Blue Party supports defunding elective abortion.

The New Blue Party supports legislation that will protect Ontario’s youth from sexual predators, including: i. ii. iii. iv. Mandating that volunteers working with minors be required to take regular criminal record checks that need to be renewed for the purposes of updating and thus they are not permanent; Ending government funding for organizations owned or controlled by an individual that has been criminally convicted of a sexual offense relating to a minor; Preventing individuals that are not legally recognized as guardians of a child 16 years or younger from having school boards remove the guardian as the child’s primary contact; and Directing government funding to support victims of sexual crimes instead of towards rehabilitating the criminals that commit the sexual crimes.

Government favouritism and conflicts of interest

Promesses de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports legislation that bans lobbyist activity in political party elections and other internal party votes.
The New Blue Party supports scrapping the $100 million taxpayer subsidy of political parties.

The New Blue Party supports a free press and will cancel the Toronto Star’s $500 million online gambling licence gifted by the Ontario PC government.

The New Blue Party supports legislation that will crack down on voter fraud in internal political party elections.

The New Blue Party supports keeping Ontario elections transparent, free, and fair by requiring voters to present valid voter ID prior to voting and by counting ballots manually, not through the use of electronic vote tabulator machines that do not allow scrutineers to see the ballots that are being counted.


Indigenous reconciliation

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the protection and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.

Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports the protection and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.

Justice system

Promesses de Michael Bayer

Ontario Bill of Rights The New Blue Party supports the creation of an Ontario Bill of Rights, similar to the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights.

The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors, those with mental or physical disabilities, or veterans and will instead promote palliative care to enable dying with dignity and care.

Public safety

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports Ontario having more control over its immigration (like Quebec), including the ability to set its own immigration levels, select all of its economic class immigrants, control temporary residence admissions, have a say on the family and refugee classes, have full control over settlement funding provided to it by the federal government to service newcomers with assistance (such as language training, job training, and other supports) and have sex-ratio balance of 1:1 (male/female) for all new migrants entering Ontario.

The New Blue Party supports defunding any organization receiving public funding that supports Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) or other campaigns targeting Israel, its economy, or local Jewish communities and/or Jewish organizations.

Sports and recreation

Promesse de Michael Bayer

The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.

Transportation & Transit


Promesses de Michael Bayer

"Last year, we brought in over 800,000 people, so we're bringing in more people than Texas and Florida combined. - Doug Ford

Fuel and transportation costs

Promesses de Michael Bayer

Provide tax relief and grow Ontario’s economy
The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.
by cutting the HST from 13% to 10%, axing the Doug Ford carbon tax, taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices

Public transit

Promesse de Michael Bayer


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Michael Bayer has lived in the Erin Mills riding for over 20 years. Mike joined the New Blue Ontario party because he feels that it is the only party that will put Canadians best interests first.

Michael is a graduate of York University and subsequently earned numerous professional designations including Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Investment Manager and Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute. He has been involved in the community both as a volunteer and former member of the Streetsville Rotary and Lions Clubs.

The New Blue Party is Ontario’s fifth largest political party, behind the establishment PCs, Liberals, NDP, and Greens. In its first election in 2022, the New Blue gained more votes, and a greater share of the vote, than any other political party in Ontario has in its first election since the 1930s!

PRINCIPLES The New Blue Party of Ontario will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles: • A belief that at its noblest, good and responsible government should demonstrate accountability, transparency, and integrity while acting in the best interests of its citizens. • A belief that a peaceful, well-ordered, and stable democracy in which individuals can f lourish is achieved by strengthening the rule of law and ensuring full equality before the law, while at the same time recognizing the supremacy of natural law, a democratic parliament, and the Canadian constitution. • A belief that the dignity and wellbeing of the individual is at the heart of a democratic society. • A belief that liberty is best promoted through the ability of individuals to make decisions in their own best interests and encouraging free will (including freedom of speech, worship, assembly, association, political participation, conscience, and religion), while recognizing the responsibilities that accompany all rights. • A belief that prosperity is best ensured by empowering individuals to improve their personal situation through self-reliance and the maximum enjoyment of the fruits of one’s own labour. • A belief that this is best achieved by providing equal opportunity to participate in a competitive market economy that rewards initiative and innovation, values ethical transactions, protects private property, and ensures security and privacy. • A belief that the health and wellbeing of society is improved by strong families in which parents are the primary educators and caregivers of their children and by recognizing the inherent value and dignity of human life from conception to natural death. • A belief that government works best when there is a clear division of powers and when it avoids intruding on those functions better served by individuals, families, voluntary associations, religious groups, local governments, and the private sector. • A belief that changes to existing systems should adhere to the principles outlined above while recognizing the importance of Ontario’s heritage and balancing any possible benefits against the costs of change.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
His goal is to offer Canadians a real principled alternative to the corrupt establishment parties, which rely on pandering and vote-buying schemes to further their interests and those of lobbyists, rather than those of the people.

The principles of Freedom, Individual Responsibility, Fairness and Respect are what guides and informs his outlook.

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