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Coreen Corcoran

My vision is to unleash the potential in all residents in this riding through less government bureaucracy and regulation.

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Coreen Corcoran has been a member of the OLP Executive since 2019. She was the Ontario Libertarian Party candidate for Ottawa-Vanier in 2022, and Nepean-Carleton in 2014. She was the Libertarian Party of Canada candidate for Ottawa-Vanier in 2015, and for Ottawa-Centre in 2019.

Coreen has lived in Ottawa most of her life, and also lived and worked in the United States and England. She grew up in Ottawa South and attended Carleton University where she received a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree. In 2016, she completed a Master of Arts with a specialization in Global Change. She loves to travel and has visited many cities and countries. Each one has given her a new perspective on the way people around the world live. She shares her home in Beacon Hill with her husband Robin, their new dog Tomater, and their two cats, Akina and Bella.

Raison de la candidature

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Coreen is running because she wants to spread different ideas about how the government fits into our lives. "We are battling against more than 50 years of increased government control over how we are allowed to live our lives.”

Less government control and more personal freedom to choose what is right for ourselves and our families will lead to a more prosperous Ontario.

More government handouts to individuals, and picking which companies and industries to bail out lead to less inspiration, imagination, and innovation. Ontario has an educated workforce that could become leaders in their respective industries if given the freedom to create without constraints imposed upon them through government regulation.

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libertarian.on.ca/user/532 www.libertarian.on.ca/user/532