* If elected, I pledge to work diligently to re-focus on truth and redefined democracy, addressing what is of most importance to citizens (health, finance, education, equality, true democracy…) eliminating any systems that no longer work efficiently, those riddled with greed, corruption and manipulation, so everything operates with integrity to solve the challenges of Ontarians with outside the box thinking.
* It’s TIME for the leadership to get the best facts from all sides, provide the best solutions and not create a divide amongst citizens, instead uniting us. Competence and informed consent are of paramount importance.
* Together, let’s find solutions to the many concerns voters have expressed: lack of transparency, mistrust of the government and electoral process, the over-reach of the government by circumventing human rights and our Charter of Rights & Freedoms and creating confusion and division amongst families, friends and colleagues. It’s TIME to take a stand for small businesses and the members of our community. Constituents wants real responses from leaders, directly addressing their concerns. Let’s have a clear direction to reduce the uncertainty of the future direction of our province and our country.
Let’s bring back true democracy through transparency, leading to trust and leadership by the people, for the people, in the best interests of all people. It’s TIME for people to take back control of government.