Parti communiste du Canada (Ontario)
Food costs
Fuel and transportation costs
Post-secondary costs and loans
Public transit
Tax measures and rebates
Climate Change & the Environment
Public transit
Indigenous learning
K-12 funding
LGBTQ+ students
Post-secondary costs and loans
Post-secondary institutions and funding
School construction and upgrades
School curriculum
School nutrition
To ensure that every person in the province has access to a proper diet.
Health & Healthcare
Drugs and addiction
Funding community centres specifically for drug users, making rehabilitation centres a public utility with services provided free of charge, and increasing peer-driven and community-focused education programs.
Utilize increased public revenue to finance comprehensive public health care services including alcohol addiction treatment.
To ensure a safe and free supply of drugs to users through prescription programs along with humane treatment plans in order to prevent further overdose deaths.
Health staffing
Long-term care
This includes funding for adequate and well-paid staff and sufficient protective equipment and procedures.
Prescription drugs and pharmacare
This includes temporary foreign workers, international students, and refugees; and eliminate health premiums, co-payments and the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).
Housing & Homelessness
Home construction and supply
To support people leaving situations of domestic violence, incarceration, homelessness or shelters.
Homeless services
Public and affordable housing
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Transportation & Transit
Fuel and transportation costs
Public transit
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